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Spring Into Rhyme
Monday, April 8, 2024 by Jerolyn Lockhart

Welcome spring, into my yard,
Makes me want to be a bard;
So much joy within my heart
Welcome spring, for this new start.


Not an elegant poem, I must admit, but simplicity is how many of us started our love for poetry with the nursery rhymes of Mother Goose. I think everyone has a short poem they can remember, even if it is a silly limerick or advertising jingle. April is the perfect time to remember the odd, or awed, poems in our lives as we celebrate National Poetry Month.


Established in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets, many have joined in the celebration of poems and poets, not just through the Academy and their outreach but through other organizations and individuals who have sounded the call to verse. There are places on the web to join in Poem-A-Day readings and challenges throughout the month, plus festivities in many cities around the country. 


One way to celebrate NPM is to purchase a book of poetry (or more) in April. I have found several poets to enjoy from small publishers. It’s a thrill to add a new book to my collection. I’ve just purchased Linda Gregg’s book, All of It Singing: New and Selected Poems and have enjoyed the few I’ve read. I’m also expecting another book by poet and artist Grant Snider, Poetry Comics, in the mail. I get his newsletters and enjoy his fun engagement with imagination.


To learn more about National Poetry Month, poets, and poems, check out the following:

Academy of American Poets    

Poetry Foundation


Before I forget, both April 18 and April 29 are Poem in Your Pocket Day. What poem will you carry in your pocket?

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Patti Shene From SE Colorado At 4/11/2024 5:17:38 PM

Jerolyn, thank you so much for making us aware of National Poetry Month. Your post prompted me to look up a book that has been sitting on my bookshelf for years titled An Introduction to Poetry (Fourth Edition). I read a couple of the poems in it and shall do so throughout the month of April.

Reply by: Jerolyn Lockhart

Glad to hear it, Patti, and appreciate you taking the time to respond! Always happy to add a little enjoyment (and a poem) to life.


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