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Go Deeper
Friday, February 9, 2024 by Jerolyn Lockhart

The end of last year was a time of loss, but ready to bring forth new beginnings. The loss of my father shortly before Thanksgiving Day hit us hard, then there was much to attend to at the start of what should be a joyous season. But thanksgiving came to us in knowing that Dad was no longer in pain and that he was happy and healthy before the Lord and with his beloved wife, our dear mother. And we were able to celebrate the birth of our Savior with most of our remaining family.


On New Year's Eve, our son took the pulpit for the last time at our church, having served for nine years. Listening to his teaching has been an immense privilege and blessing. During that time, we witnessed him baptizing all five of his children – with the youngest being baptized that Sunday.


Under my son’s teachings throughout his ministry, he had in many ways encouraged us to “Go deep. Go deeper.” One Sunday in particular, when he was speaking my heart leapt up and said, “yes, I will go deeper.” I knew just what God was saying to me, and what I would focus on in the new year.


As I leaned on the Lord in my grief, I allowed Him to heal me in a fresh way that brought me up out of myself and deeper into His presence. This new year is a year of hope and promise, and I look forward to going deeper - deeper into God’s Word, deeper into His presence, deeper into relationships, deeper into the ministry He has called me to, deeper into my writing. Go deep into Christ and deep into life.


Will you go deeper?


Luke 5:4-6

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Shanna From Kentucky At 2/10/2024 1:51:47 PM

That was beautiful, Ms. Lockhart. I pray for peace, hope, comfort, and encouragement for you.

Reply by: Jerolyn Lockhart

Thank you for your kind words, and especially your prayers, Shanna. God bless you.

Erma From Idaho At 2/10/2024 1:48:57 PM

I'm so sorry to hear of your father's passing and so happy to accept the challenge to go deeper in the Lord! I believe this year more than any before now, we need a deeper walk with the Lord, and we need a deeper abiding in Him! :)

Reply by: Jerolyn Lockhart

I'm glad you're taking up the challenge, Erma. I pray that this year brings all of God's children going deeper. God bless you!

Patti Shene From SE Colorado At 2/10/2024 1:18:33 PM

Hi Jerolyn. Thank you for challenging us to go deeper and for sharing what the Lord has spoken to your heart, My goal to go deeper involves purposefulness in reaching goals and trusting in God to guide me to fulfill the tasks He has set for me. Have a blessed 2024!

Reply by: Jerolyn Lockhart

Great goals, Patti. May God guide us all to fulfill His work. God bless you!


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