I used to love the responsive readings we had in the church I grew up in, and still like to go to the old hymnal and read them. There is a unity and cadence in following along, of brothers and sisters in Christ absorbing the words together. Even now when I’m reading a Psalm or a litany, I often imagine others of my church family, the “great cloud of witnesses” joining in.
Spending time in quiet meditation helps us to focus on the moment, and with a Scripture verse or prayer we can soak in the words and their meaning. Sit with your Bible on your lap and let a verse speak to you, or open a prayer book and read the prayer aloud softly. Meditation offers so much to us if we begin to practice it with the intention of growing closer to Christ. Monks have made the practice an integral part of their life, and while we may not have the solitude they do, we can make it a part of our own day. Lying in bed before rising or as we wait for sleep, we can take the moments to connect with our heavenly Father.
While lying in my bed one morning, I started thanking God for another day of life to enjoy because of His grace. This morning meditation became my start up each day, and is modified in different ways for the time of day I contemplate on it. With His help, I was able to put pen to paper and write it out.
Almighty God,
Thank You for another day
Eternal Father,
Thank You for another day
to know Your love
Lord Jesus,
Thank You for another day
to show Your love
Holy Spirit,
Thank You for another day
to grow in love
To reflect on each aspect of the meditation helps me to appreciate and reflect on the different attributes of God, and later in the day take inventory of what God has done (or where He has led) and how I responded. Each aspect of God is contemplated in turn, and the third line of each stanza is altered to reflect the time of day. Mid-day, guidance is asked to recognize His love, how to show His love, help to grow in love. At the end of the day, it turns to reflection…how did I know Your love, how did I show Your love, did I grow in love. These reflections help to focus my thoughts on God, and take inventory of my own self.
What is your favorite Bible verse or something you meditate on frequently?
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