"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you may also know where I am. You know the way to the place I am going...I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
- John 14:1-4, 6
It had been a long day, with many disappointments - the kind that seems to zap all your strength and leave your mind numb. I spoke to God throughout the day, trying to figure out why the blessing He had given us (a new house) was taking so long to get prepared to move in to.
Later that evening, I sat down to relax with a crossword puzzle, and found I had run out, but I dug out a Bible word search book from my travel bag. As I opened it up to where I had left off, I saw the title of the puzzle, "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled." Reading the verses (John 14:1-6) to the puzzle brought a smile to my face as I marveled at the means God often uses to speak to us. Through simple everyday things He speaks right up saying "Here I am. Don't worry, I've got it handled. Trust Me."
I read the verse over again and praised God for the loving way He spoke to my situation. You see, I have an environmental illness, and this new house was being prepared for me by my loving husband and my heavenly Father, to make it a safe and perfect dwelling, a place I could breathe easily and be protected from the everyday things that poison my body. My husband would not be so eager to move in as to jeopardize my health, and step by step, and sometimes back step, he worked to prepare our safe haven, a home to spend the rest of our earthly lives together. And God is in this every step of the way, helping my husband prepare our home while preparing my room in a heavenly home when it's time to move off this earth with Jesus showing the way.
Joyful Gratitude
Jerolyn Lockhart
Spring Into Rhyme
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Go Deeper
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Heading Into Fall
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In Appreciation
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Celebrating Hope
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Jerolyn Lockhart
Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
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About My Fathers' Business
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Natural Pond Radio
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Christian Meditation
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God Will Use It
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Welcome 2022
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Joy to the World!
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Encourage One Another
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Blessings of Giving
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God In Every Step
Jerolyn Lockhart